How to Clean Skateboard Bearings

How to Clean Skateboard Bearings

In the adrenaline-fueled world of skateboarding, every little detail matters. From perfecting ollies to nailing kickflips, skaters know that even the smallest components of their board can make or break their ride. That’s where we step in – SaltyProshop, your trusted companion on your skating journey.

Today, we will cover deep into a crucial aspect of skateboard maintenance: cleaning your skateboard bearings. We understand that it may seem like a minor detail when shredding through the streets or skatepark. However, consider this your secret weapon to unlocking peak performance on your board and making your skateboard trucks last longer. Picture smoother rides, effortless spins, and that satisfying hum as you glide effortlessly over the pavement. Yes, it’s all possible with well-maintained bearings.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your skateboarding journey, this is your ticket to a smoother, faster, and more enjoyable ride. Let’s dive in and discover how this simple maintenance task can make a world of difference to your skateboarding experience. Plus, stay tuned for expert tips and tricks that will take your skills to the next level.

Here are the things you’ll need to begin:

  • A Flat Surface such as a table or floor
  • A Skate tool or wrench
  • Razor Blade or Knife
  • Rags or Paper Towels
  • Disposable or Ceramic Cup
  • Isopropyl Based Alcohol such rubbing alcohol
  • Your Skateboard bearings
  • Lubricant (optional)
  • A towel for keeping the area clean (optional)
  • Container for bearings (optional)

When Should You Clean your Skateboard Bearings?

Timing is everything when it comes to bearing maintenance. Knowing when to clean your skateboard bearings can mean the difference between a silky-smooth ride and a frustrating struggle on your board. Here’s the scoop.

Ideally, you should consider cleaning your skateboard bearings whenever you notice a drop in performance or a change in the way your board rides. While there’s no strict schedule to follow, a good rule of thumb is to clean them every 2-3 months if you skate frequently. However, this can vary based on factors like weather conditions, terrain, and your riding style.

If you’re a die-hard skateboarder and you’re out there every day pushing your board to its limits, you might find yourself needing more frequent cleanings. Pay attention to the telltale signs that it’s time for some bearing TLC. Are your skateboard wheels not spinning as freely as they used to? Do you hear an unsettling grinding noise when you ride? These are red flags that your bearings might be caked with dirt, dust, and grime.

On the other hand, if you’re a casual skater or your board spends more time in storage than on the streets, you can extend the intervals between cleanings. But remember, neglecting your bearings for too long can lead to irreversible damage, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Ultimately, your best bet is to develop a keen sense of your board’s performance. Trust your instincts and give your bearings a thorough inspection from time to time. When you sense a dip in performance, it’s the perfect moment to embark on the cleaning process, ensuring that your bearings are always in top shape for those epic skate sessions.

Step 1: Establish a Secure Workspace to Clean your Skateboard Bearings

Before diving into the delicate process of cleaning your skateboard bearings, it’s crucial to create a clean, organized, and safe workspace. Here’s how to set the stage for a successful bearing cleaning session:

Find a Suitable Location

Choose a well-ventilated area with ample natural light. A garage, workshop, or even your backyard can work great. Ensure that your chosen spot is clean and free from debris to prevent any unwanted contaminants from finding their way into your bearings during the cleaning process.

Protect Your Work Surface

Lay down a clean, disposable surface like an old newspaper or a plastic sheet. This will help catch any drips or spills and keep your workspace clean.

Prepare for Disassembly

Depending on your skateboard setup, you might need to remove the wheels from your trucks. Use your skateboard tool or wrench to loosen the nuts holding the wheels in place. If you have a bearing puller, it can make the process easier by gently popping the bearings out of the wheels. Be sure to keep track of all the small parts and nuts you remove.

Organize and Stay Safe

Keep your work area organized, and be mindful of safety. Avoid distractions and make sure you have good lighting to see the tiny parts clearly. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves and safety glasses to protect your hands and eyes from any cleaning solutions or debris.

Step 2: Remove Bearings and Wheels from your Skateboard Deck

With your workspace secured and all necessary supplies at the ready, it’s time to proceed with disassembling your skateboard to access the bearings. Here’s how to do it:

Loosen the Nuts

Using your skateboard tool or wrench, carefully loosen the nuts securing the skateboard wheels to the trucks. Turn each nut counterclockwise to loosen them. You don’t need to remove the nuts entirely at this stage; just make sure they are loose enough to slide the wheels off the trucks.

Remove the Wheels

Gently slide each wheel off the truck’s axle once the nuts are sufficiently loosened. Be mindful not to force the wheels, as this can damage the bearings or the wheel’s core.

Inspect the Bearings

As you remove the wheels, take a moment to inspect the bearings. Look for any visible signs of damage, such as rust, excessive dirt, or wear. If you notice any problems, such as rough rotation or noise when spinning the wheel, it’s an indication that the bearings may need cleaning or replacement.

Use a Bearing Puller (Optional)

If you have a bearing puller tool, this is an excellent time to use it. A bearing puller makes removing the bearings from the wheels a breeze. Simply place the tool over the bearing, apply gentle pressure, and the bearing should pop out of the wheel’s core. If you don’t have a puller, you can proceed to remove the bearings manually.

Remove Bearings Manually

To remove bearings without a puller, place the wheel on a clean, flat surface with the side containing the bearing facing down. Use your skateboard tool or another suitable object (like a metal rod or the axle of your trucks) to push the bearing out from the other side. Apply gentle, even pressure to avoid damaging the bearing or wheel. Repeat this process for each bearing.

Keep Track of Parts

As you remove the bearings and wheels, it’s important to keep track of all the small parts, including nuts and washers. Place them in a small container or tray to prevent them from getting lost.

With your wheels and bearings removed, you’re now ready to move on to the crucial part – cleaning the skateboard bearings. Cleaning and maintaining your bearings will not only extend their lifespan but also enhance your overall skateboarding experience. So, let’s dive into the next step to bring those bearings back to life.

Step 3: Take Off Shields

Now that you have your skateboard wheels and bearings removed, it’s time to prepare your bearings for cleaning by removing the shields. The shields are the small, removable covers on each side of the bearing that help protect it from dirt and debris. Removing them allows you to access the inner parts for thorough cleaning and lubrication.

Follow these steps to safely remove the bearing shields:

Identify the Shields

Bearings typically have two shields, one on each side. They are circular, flat, and sit flush against the outer ring of the bearing. The shields can be made of metal or rubber, and some are easier to remove than others.

Choose Your Method

There are two common methods for removing bearing shields:

Use a Needle or Pin

This method requires a small needle or pin. Gently insert the needle or pin into the small gap between the shield and the outer bearing ring. Be careful not to damage the shield or the bearing itself. Once you have the needle or pin in place, carefully pry the shield out by applying gentle pressure. Rotate the bearing and repeat the process for the other side.

Pop Off with a Bearing Tool (Optional)

Some skaters prefer using a bearing tool designed specifically for removing shields. This tool is specially designed to fit over the bearing and pop the shields off without damaging them. If you have a bearing tool, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove the shields.

Inspect the Shields

After removing the shields, take a moment to inspect them. Check for any signs of damage or excessive wear. If the shields are damaged, it’s advisable to replace them to maintain the bearing’s protection.

Keep Shields Safe

Store the removed shields in a safe place, so you don’t lose them during the cleaning process. You’ll need to reattach them later to maintain the bearing’s protection.

Removing the bearing shields is an essential step in preparing your skateboard bearings for thorough cleaning and lubrication. By doing so, you’ll have full access to the inner components, ensuring that you can remove all dirt and grime, ultimately enhancing the performance and longevity of your bearings. Now that you’ve completed this step, let’s move on to cleaning those bearings thoroughly.

Step 4: Soak Bearings in Isopropyl

Cleaning your skateboard bearings requires a deep clean to remove all the built-up dirt and grime that can affect their performance. Soaking them in isopropyl alcohol is an effective method for dissolving contaminants and ensuring your bearings are squeaky clean. Here’s how to do it

Gather Your Supplies

  • The skateboard bearings with the shields removed
    • A small container or jar (glass or plastic)
    • High-purity isopropyl alcohol
    • A sealable plastic bag (optional but helpful for agitation)
    • A clean, lint-free cloth or paper towels

Prepare the Container

Find a container that’s just the right size to fit your bearings. Glass or plastic containers work well, but make sure it’s clean and free from any contaminants.

Place the Bearings in the Container

Carefully place all the bearings into the container. Ensure they are fully submerged in isopropyl alcohol. If your container is too large for the number of bearings you have, you can double-check that the bearings are fully covered by gently tilting the container.

Optional Agitation

To enhance the cleaning process, you can place the sealed container with the bearings inside a sealable plastic bag. Seal the bag and gently shake it. This will help to dislodge stubborn dirt and contaminants.

Soak the Bearings

Let the bearings soak in the isopropyl alcohol for at least 15-30 minutes. This allows the alcohol to dissolve and loosen the dirt and grime from the bearings.

Agitate (Optional)

If you’ve placed the container in a sealed bag, gently agitate the bag periodically during the soaking time to help dislodge any remaining debris.

Remove and Inspect

After the soaking time, carefully remove the bearings from the isopropyl alcohol. Use a pair of tweezers or a small tool to avoid touching the alcohol with your bare hands. Place the bearings on a clean, lint-free cloth or paper towels.

Dry Thoroughly

Allow the bearings to air dry completely. Ensure there is no residual alcohol left on them before moving on to the next steps. You can also use compressed air to speed up the drying process.

Once your skateboard bearings are thoroughly cleaned and dry, you’re ready to move on to the next steps, which involve lubrication and reassembly. Cleaning your bearings with isopropyl alcohol is a critical step in ensuring they perform at their best, giving you a smoother and more enjoyable ride.

Step 5: Apply Lubrication & Resemble your Skateboard Bearings

Now that your skateboard bearings are clean and free of dirt and grime, it’s time to apply lubrication to keep them running smoothly. Proper lubrication is essential for reducing friction, preventing wear and tear, and extending the lifespan of your bearings. Here’s how to apply lubrication to your skateboard bearings.

Check the Bearings

Before applying lubrication, inspect your bearings to ensure they are completely dry and free from any residual alcohol or contaminants. Use a clean cloth or paper towels to wipe off any remaining moisture.

Prepare the Lubricant

Shake or stir the skateboard bearing oil or lubricant as per the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure it’s well-mixed.

Apply Lubricant

Hold one bearing with your fingers or a bearing tool, and apply a small amount of lubricant to the inner race of the bearing. The inner race is the part that touches the axle of your skateboard truck. Be careful not to over-lubricate, as excess lubrication can attract dirt and debris.

Spin the Bearing

After applying the lubricant, give the bearing a gentle spin between your fingers. This will help distribute the lubricant evenly throughout the bearing’s interior. You should notice a smoother and quieter rotation.

Repeat for Each Bearing

Repeat the lubrication process for all the bearings you plan to use. Ensure that each bearing receives a similar amount of lubrication.

Optional: Use a Bearing Spacer

If you have bearing spacers, place one between each pair of bearings before inserting them into the wheel. Bearing spacers help maintain consistent spacing between the bearings, reducing friction and ensuring a smoother ride.

Reassemble Your Wheels

Carefully slide the lubricated bearings back into your skateboard wheels, one bearing per side of each wheel. Ensure that the bearings are seated securely in the wheel’s core.

Reattach the Wheels to Your Trucks

Slide the wheels with the freshly lubricated bearings onto the axles of your skateboard trucks. Tighten the wheel nuts securely using your skateboard tool, but be careful not to over tighten, as this can cause excess friction.

Test and Fine-Tune

Give your skateboard wheels a spin to ensure they rotate smoothly and quietly. If you notice any unusual noises or resistance, double-check the wheel nuts’ tightness and bearing alignment.

By applying the right amount of lubrication, you’ll keep your skateboard bearings running at their best, providing you with a smoother and more enjoyable skateboarding experience. Remember that proper maintenance, including periodic cleaning and lubrication, is key to prolonging the life of your bearings and optimizing your ride.


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